Saturday, March 17, 2007

Michele Is In Labor! (False Alarm!)

posted by John Blanco @ 1:49 AM


2:21 PM Michele has been feeling rather crappy, but she's not seeing the contractions. We're gonna go out on a walk. Her mom seems to think she'll be ready tomorrow, perhaps based on her own experience and what Michele went through this morning. The bags are still packed for now. But I'll call this session for now. Another update tonight. :-)

10:10 AM The muffins and eggs were crazy delicious. We're now putzing on the computer. For now, plans are called off. If something happens, I'll continue blogging. If not, I'll rename this blog and we'll wait for next time. :-)

9:20 AM Michele is in sore, hurting, back pain, contraction mode. I'm not sure where we are on timings, she's too miserable to say. We're going to have some breakfast. I'm sure english muffins and eggs will make her feel better. (Not.)

3:43 AM The midwife says we should wait until the contractions are stronger. So we're gonna stay here until that happens. Good, we can get some sleep. Well, I can anyway, right? Am I right?? ;-) Everything is packed and ready except my computer, obviously. We're going to lay down and if I have any updates, I'll post.

3:31 AM We've called the midwives. Waiting for the call back. Might be 10 minutes from heading out. I am in major nesting mode...cats taken care of. Garbage. Toiletries. The list we put together is helping, I'm in a panic. ;-) Phone!

2:49 AM Contractions are being measured at one ever 4-5 minutes, lasting a minute. This has been ongoing for almost a half hour. We're excited and certain we'll be heading to the hospital in a half hour more. Michele is showing whilst I get everything ready!!

2:30 AM Michele is very uncomfortable and we've started timing contractions with my Nintendo DS. They are approximately a minute long and seem to be matching the 5/1/1 pattern.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nothing since 10:23am?!?!?!? I'm on pins and needles here!!!!!

12:40 PM  

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