Sunday, December 21, 2008

A 2008 Review: Part 2 (Resolutions)

posted by John Blanco @ 9:10 AM


And now, to review my 2008 resolutions! Here we go:

1. Stay in better touch with my extended family.

I could have done a lot better here. I didn't do what I wanted. About the only thing I managed to do was send Christmas Cards this year to a lot more extended family. I have addresses and the sort. Next year, I need to do better.

2. Become a Rubyist -- comfortable scripting with Ruby like a spoken language.

Again, I improved. However, as the year comes to an end, I've declared -- PHP wins! See my 2009 resolutions for more info.

However, I did make inroads with Ruby. I started a Facebook application written in Ruby, the Facebooker module, and I also used Ruby on an independent project called Bartimaeus, that I did with EffectiveUI.

So, there! But, no, not a Rubyist.

3. Rebuild my chess foundation and participate in the 2008 Winter Springs Open.

No. However, I got back on the chess wagon at the tail end this year and am planning on participating in a tournament in early, early January. So, almost. Just a month late. :-)

4. Win a game of chess blindfolded. Nor do I have aspirations anymore. I will be climbing the chess ladder in 2009, but I;m keeping my goals in check, and this isn't one of them................yet. :-)

5. Volunteer for a political campaign.

I volunteered for Obama in the Colorado primary, doing phone banking. Otherwise, donated a lot of money. So, yes? :-)

6. Find at least one new client for Rapture In Venice.

Did it!! I found 3 new ones! They are now proudly listed over at Rapture In Venice! And I hope to find more this year as some of my former clients have come back for more work, it's getting easier to run RIV not having to find people constantly.

7. Build the Rapture In Venice Web site.

Done! See, I just referred you in the previous resolution! Click there!

8. Strength training.


9. Marry my pedometer; wear it every single day.

I wore it ZERO days of the year. Screw the pedometer. :-)

10. No french fries. No potato chips.

Would you believe? I DID IT!!!!!!!! I have gone the whole year without eating a single french fry or potato chip. Pretty proud of this one. I made one exception, on our trip to New York, I had Nathan's fries. Just shared a serving with Michele, so not very many. Nathan's is only in New York, so it was OK. No potato chips either. One time, I instinctively grabbed one at a party, but luckily Michele was there to say, "You're not supposed to eat those!" and I hadn't yet chewed and was able to spit it out into the garbage.



So, not terrible, not good really either. I nailed the important resolutions, and did horribly on the not-so-important ones.

I'll do better in 2009. I'll make that my first resolution even. :-D


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