Monday, February 07, 2005

Sick Day, Again?

posted by John Blanco @ 6:36 PM


How weird. I simply never get sick. *Never!* But, in the span of a month and a half, I've now gotten sick twice!

Stayed home from work today with a SEVERELY sore throat and head cold. Let me tell you: SEVERELY. I spent most of yesterday with a sore throat that I thought was pretty distracting, but last night this morning were just ungodly. Luckily, the sore throat has passed, but now it's on to head cold. I love my "phase" illnesses.

When does the sneezing kick in, eh?

I pretty much slept most of the day. I felt better around 2-ish and decided to code a little bit and got some nice work done for Counterpart. RMS and the Instructions screen is out of the way. Now, my head is hurting a bit, so I sat down to some level design.

Tough stuff.

The Yog is inside reading "A Series of Unfortunate Events 2". The books are pretty small, but she seems to be enjoying them. "A little depressing," she has noted. :-)


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