Friday, October 01, 2004

Kerry proves what we already know.

posted by John Blanco @ 6:54 AM poll, Kerry or Bush?

Watched the presedential debate from beginning to end last night. John F. Kerry finally proved to the country what everyone's been hoping: He will be the next president.

Body language. He handled himself like he already was the president. He spoke smoothly and was very prepared to deal with the topics discussed. His plan is clear, and it always has been mind you. Bush stumbled, spent several 5-second segments staring at the camera having no idea what to say. Kerry stood upright, while Bush was gripping the podium like he was holding on for dear life. And he is this morning.

The issues. Kerry's plans are thoughtful, sensible, and in line with what the people want. As an American, I don't want to be symbolically hated. People around the world have gathered against us, and against the symbol of our country as it stands today: George W. Bush. A man with no qualification. A man who lies to our face. A man who is only interested in himself. A man who had to rig an election to win it. (Gore was no prize anyway)

Bush's biggest fallout was his repeated (and repeated, and repeated) use of the term "mixed messages" last night. Just like the right-wing Christian groups, the Republican propoganda machine has told W that this is the route of attack. Bush couldn't argue any of Kerry's views (they are sensible and correct), and he couldn't out-debate him (Kerry is a wiser man). He could only keep saying "mixed messages" over and over, and couldn't come up with anything original. This was no more apparent than after Kerry's re-re-re-re-clarfiication on his outlook of the war. If Bush was confused, he should have been made clear. Yet, Bush went with the "mixed messages" argument yet again as he apparently had no other ammo to go with. Sad.

Let's talk about mixed-messages. Let's be up front with this. Kerry has never given mixed messages about anything. His opinion is complex, as is the reasoning and thinking behind the war. While Bush tries to simplify the matter of our Iraq invastion with "we must defend our freedom," Kerry knows it's not so easy. Yes, Iraq needed help...but he accuses Bush of going about it incorrectly. Yes, Kerry did give Bush power to start a war, but it was not on the terms that Kerry outlined. (Aliances, etc.)

If you want to vote for Bush, think of this. The sons on Ronald Reagan and Dwight Eisenhower ARE VOTING DEMOCRATIC. And, as Kerry so poignantly pointed out last night, W's own father said that invading Iraq would be a silly thing to do.

I hope to see more from Kerry. I can't wait for future debates that center on the issues I'm most strongly in support of Kerry with...namely his views on energy and the removal of our dependence on foreign oil in lieu of better technologies, and (this hits home) the removal of tax breaks to American companies that farm out work to other countries. As a member of the IT industry, this hurts me the most. Part of our development team is farmed out to India and let's just say their work (sloppy) and communication abilities (they work while we are asleep) are not up to par. That's a fact.

Today is Friday, and thud, Bagel Day at Taliant Software. A nice way to celebrate victory last night...32 days to go til elections.

Can't wait for 1 o'clock to listen to Randi on the radio. :-)


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