Monday, January 24, 2005

Bloggin' in a Coal Mine

posted by John Blanco @ 4:14 PM


The week has started out with more late hours, but progress is being made as I type. OK, a build, anyway. So, thought I'd blog some...

Yesterday...went to the Art Museum with the Yog. I was hoping to see the "Linda" scupture, as I'd read it was on display a few weeks ago. This is the very-lifelike nude sculpture of a young model named Linda, who is actually now a schoolteach with DPS. It's pretty old, about 25 years. I haven't seen it yet. Maybe next time?

I did some more Counterpart codin' this weekend. Got a title screen and options in. I still have a bunch more to do, but at this point I have all my tasks in a TO-DO list. Which means, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. :-) I still plan on releasing in February, but I need to get this work done as early in the month as possible. At least by haldway through.

My next game is already in the works. I don't have any plans or details, but a few important concepts are decided on:

  • The graphics will be in isometric view.
  • It will be a larger, adventure-style game.
  • It will be based on the corporate atmosphere.

For those veterans of my blog, this is going to be an "Ascent To Power" concept. In fact, that is the name. (It's too good to not use.) But, the whole game will be different. It will not be at all the same format as the old ATP.

It also represents a HUGE challenge. I'm just starting training in Pixel Art (literally, TODAY), and isometrics is a part of that. This is a little bigger of a step than I expected at this point, but, I want to have a major product done by the end of the year, and I know I need a lot of time to get that done.

If Counterpart actually sells, though, this could change. If Counterpart does really well, I'll of course switch to a smaller project again. :-) But, I can't think like that. Gotta think big!!!!

Plus, I get to put some of my creative writing skills to work. I spent a little while learning fictional writing techniques some time back. Writing a novel was a bit beyond me, and heck, even a short story which was my first step. But, I will try to apply what I learned to the game concept and see what happens.

I'll likely spend Most of February (after Counterpart) and March working on a game design for ATP. I'll keep gaining J2ME experience by writing some smaller demos, likely based on AI. Been wanting to do that for a while now, and it will be a nice thing to do whilst I do my design.

OK, OK, enough of that. :-) I've bored ye enough.

Tonight I'm going out to dinner with Todd and Keith...gonna catch up on what's going on! Been too lo-...

Alas, my build is done...back to work for me...


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