Monday, November 29, 2004

Return of the Jedi

posted by John Blanco @ 6:19 PM


Note to Reader: As I've never truly understood the Star Wars Trilogy, nor watched it in detail, the rest of this blog will be written as if it is 1983 (without checking my sources), and I've just seen "The Return of the Jedi" (which I have):

Dude, I totally just watched "Return of the Jedi" and it rocked!! I was forced to put down my Slinky for a couple hours and watch the movie in theaters. The Dolby sound was amazing!! The cushioned seats in the new theater downtown was cool too, which is good, since I know my $2.50 ticket price is going towards something...SHEEESH! RIPOFF!!

So, the movie was the best ever! Vader and Skywalker finally fight, like they should have in Empire...SHAAA! And when the Death Star gets blowed up again, rock!!!! I swear, they should make a joke in some future movie where they mention the poor contractors abord the Death Star when it explodes. I mean, they weren't all evil.

We also enjoyed some Holiday Spice Pepsi while we watched. The stuff ROCKED! It's like soooooo much better than New Coke. New Coke sucks, dude!!!!

Well, I gotta and my buds are gonna check out some new circuit board by Apple. Apprently, they're going to use graphics for the Operating System. Bogus!!! I think it's a dumb idea.

Later, dudes.


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