Thursday, August 03, 2006

Listen When They Speak

posted by John Blanco @ 7:38 PM


Friends of mine not so politically oriented like to say, "Both parties are all the same." And I tell them, no, that's not true.

The Democrats are the party of the people, though they have had some shortcomings in recent years. Republicans are the party of the "elite," the very richest and most selfish in society.

While that fact will never change, I know in my heart that the Democrats have inched a little closer to big money interests due to the string of Republican Presidents that drag the country to the right.

But, we can take this country back. We will show the American people that right-wing politics and voodoo economics only serve to divide this country, socially and economically. We must come together, and it will only come with a moderately split government with a Democratic POTUS.


Don't believe me? Listen to what they tell you. Here is Bill Friday, Republican Majority Leader in the Senate:

"This death tax punishes everyday Americans by forcing them to give up their business, to give up their farms," [Frist] said.

Do you know what te so-called "death tax" is? If you didn't, you might deduce it's something we all pay, since he says it punished everyday Americans.

Well, guess what...he's speaking about the ESTATE TAX, which is a tax that goes into effect on land hand-me-downs belonging to the top 1% of the richest Americans.

We're talking BILLIONAIRES. We're talking Bill Gates, Warren you think these are "everyday" Americans?

Yes. They are. If you're Republican Bill Frist. Welcome to the elite. Republican government looking out for themselves and the hell with you.


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