Sunday, July 30, 2006

10:35 and Holy Shitskies It's Hot!

posted by John Blanco @ 9:51 PM


It's, 10:36. It's Sunday night, and it's so frickin' hot out that I can't really sleep. What in blazes?

Do we believe in Global Warming now people?

So...blech...this weekend has been a hot and, unfortunately because of it, active one.

Saturday was Michele's birthday. :-) We hung out Satuday morning and then joined company with Kevin at his house near downtown. We played games, rather that go to the Botanic Gardens, because of the insane heat.

Highlight: Kevin lost *both* games of Clue. Michele and I each won one...Michele with a successful guess of the Conservatory among 3 possibilities she had. Birthday luck. :-)

At 6, we went to the Pearl St. Grill and met up with our buds, Aaron and Adriana. Not bad, not bad. Good fries. :-)

Afterwards, it was decided that we'd go see The Devil Wears Prada down at the Pavilions. We had to race to get there, but made it in time.

Great movie! Great!

Then, we went on a search for ice cream. First, we tried Liks, but it was closed (11 PM at this point). With ice cream dancing in our heads already, we went to our only hope: Safeway!

Yes, Safeway...and there we got Ben and Jerry's and brought it back to Humble House (Humboldt) and sat in the backyard and at and chatted til about 12:30 AM.

We hugged our goodbyes and went home for sleepy goodness.


Today, I started out by doing some mobile development. I'll share these details at a future time. :-) Before noon hit, and whilst I kept track of the Mets/Braves game online, Chris (my brother-in-law) showed up to continue working on our retaining wall.

Insane. Because it was clear over 100 degrees out! To make matters worse, I helped a little bit, adding a layer to the wall and shoveling some dirt for the pile.

At 3:30, we went to celebrate Michele's birthday at Landry's fish restaurant on I-25. The food was dandy, though I only had a burger, and the bill was quite pricey for the 10 of us there...her whole family minus sister-in-law Shannon who came down with -- what else -- heat stroke, yesterday!

Also, Michele finally told all her brothers that she's pregnant. :-) We were waiting because we knew they'd all be there together, so it was appropriate. Now, everyone knows!

She's out there! (7 weeks now.)

Back home, and we lazed around a bit, doing some laundry. I did a bit more work and now I am sitting here dreading a sleeping sauna. BLECH!


Well, OK, I guess I gotta go. Oh hey, I'm 630 pages into My Life, bu Bill Clinton. The book that will never end! Wow. My goal right now is to finish it in August. A miracle it would be. :-) I have about 330 pages left!


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