Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The 411 on ZaBlanc

posted by John Blanco @ 12:09 PM


It's snowing! It's snowing! Our first snow of the year...well, more of a sleet, but it's a mix. :-)

Things OK in my world. Lots of fun stuff going on. I'm finally healing from my ambiguous Race For The Cure injury. My left foot was hurting and caused me to walk around work with a limp for a week! (I had to take Mondya off to rest it.)

I've also started learning French! :-) Ignore the previous posting with the french subject, that was Google talking. But, I am learning French and not doing too badly.

Why French? Well, firstly, it has to do with the fact that I have a new car stereo. Mine died last week for some unknown reason, so I got it replaced and got a stereo with a CD player. Dat new technology is 'mazin!

So, while at Borders, I was by the foreign language section and thought it might be cute to spent my excess commute time learning the French language. Why not Italian? Well, I studied it for 3 years in high school and didn't do to tell - so I wanted something fresh and new.

Je m'appelle John. Je suis ne Yonkers, New York. Tres bien, oui?

I'm also now deep in study with JSP/Servlets. I need a new career track, and this is something that might get some use pretty soon at work. I'm also studying it as part of my other side job, so it's working out well. I will also get back to studying Ruby.

Delivering some Winter (no pun intended) yard signs today as well. And need to make a couple of purchases possibly. Mmmmmmmm, new DS game? Perhaps.

And that's all that's going on. Waiting for a certain some one to get back from lunch, so there's your quick update.

A plus tard!!!


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