Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Dismissing Reality for a BBQ

posted by John Blanco @ 1:35 PM


This was an email response to CNN about the 4th of July from some delusional woman in Colorado Springs, Colorado:

To All Those Serving in Iraq and Afghanistan on this Independence Day and ESPECIALLY to the love of my life, SSG Gary Stacy, an Army Reserve Journalist with the 207th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment in Balad, Iraq

Thank you for fighting terrorism on foreign soil so that the kids and I are safe on American soil. Thank you for caring enough about democracy to take more than a year out of your life to go to a foreign land to nurture baby democracy so that others can know the freedoms that we take for granted. Thank you all for serving, keeping the terrorist threat away from our soil, nurturing the beginnings of self-governement, teaching and caring for the Iraqi people.

We can't wait until you're safely home and we are VERY PROUD of YOU, your unit and our government and the work that is being accomplished in Iraq.

Sarah, Kate and Maddie Stacy
Colorado Springs, Colorado

If this is what can get this lady through the day, then all the best to her. However, lost in it all is just incoherent Republican-led ramblings which mean nothing. It makes me almost cry when I hear someone, with a smile on their face, say we "fight them here so we don't have to fight them here."

It's so sad. So very sad.

Indeed, we *do* fight them here. Every day. The shoe bomber, the sleeper cells of al Qaeda. We fight them thee *and* here. The only difference is that along with fighting them over there, were teaching the Iraqi people what it's like to pray that their house doesn't get bombed, or their family raped and killed by US soldiers who are quickly losing their minds, every day.

**WE** fight them here. Our vigililence fights them. Remember the shoe bomber...that was US that fought them, not the government. Determined school shooters -- stopped by vigilant peers. The work of our intelligence agencies who are HERE.

No, sending your soldiers off to die for a War for Oil is not noble. The soldiers are noble, indeed, but not the chickenhawks that sent them. "As they stand up, we shall stand down," says our President of dirt. What does it mean? Nothing.

But...for this lady, it helps her get through the day while we wait for her to regain her sense of morality.


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