Friday, June 02, 2006

But, But, My Taxes Are Lower!

posted by John Blanco @ 7:14 AM


Yes, this is why I hate Republicans. I really do. All of us bitch and moan about taxes, but real men know you have to give the devil his due -- because we know that it goes to a greater good.

Do I want my government to be as efficient as possible? Sure as hell I do. And if it's not, I want to fix it. I do not, however, want to abolish it.

Unfortunately, Republicans do. Do you think you are a Republican? Did you vote for Bush? I'm sorry.

The following is a memo sent by a local Nebraska mayor. While it may be just one mayor in Nebraska, understand that this represents the entire Republican ethic. The plan is to starve the beast. Run high deficits, then whine that the only way to fix it is to cut non-discretionary spending.

What is non-discretionary spending? Check the memo.

The mayor said she wanted specifics, so City Councilwoman Robin Eschliman gave her specifics about where she would cut the city's budget.

After a semi-scolding in a memo from Seng about how generalities don't help with budget-cutting, Eschliman responded with a list of specific budget cuts she supports, largely based on a survey she did over the winter. Here are a few areas in which she said she'd support "substantial cuts":

* Merit pay increases for city employees

* Swimming pools, unless attendance goes up

* Bus routes

* Expenditures involving water runoff, flood plain issues, etc.

* Libraries, unless usage is increasing

* Capital improvements to parks

* Funding for the Women's Commission; she suggests moving it under the umbrella of another department.

When contacted by the Journal Star about her letter, Eschliman said it was mistakenly released to the public and was only a preliminary list.

Read it. Love it. Memorize it. And next time you find yourself at a polling booth about to vote for your elected leaders -- recite it.


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