Friday, July 30, 2004

Walk in the village?

posted by John Blanco @ 7:30 AM


Well, yesterday was Michele's birthday. I'm such a good hubbie, I got her a mini-giraffe, a Rubiks Cube, and a paper towel holder. I also didn't take her to her choice of restaurant. And instead of brownie's, I just made her eat the batter.


Wha? I'm mean? Crazy talk.

The mni-giraffe was the same model as the "mama" giraffe I got her last year. It represents the baby that we may be trying for very soon now. :) The Rubiks Cube is the 2x2 gizmo that she saw and loved in Anchorman. Then there's a the paper towel holder, which is actually a bear statue (cute little bears climbing the holder with the one on the top waving hello).

We tried to go to Northwood Inn, but it was we went to Red Lobster instead which is her favorite. :)

Tonight, we go to see the Village. This is my choice, I've been waiting for this movie for months now. Jay's coming along as well. Jay is a friend of ours I met at chess club. He's a big King's Indian kinda guy.

Anyway, the movie will be cool. Nothing much else to report. We have like two more birthday dinners to go this weekend. I'm gonna have to find some time to study for my upcoming chess tournament as well. Perhaps Saturday morning.

Speaking on that, does anyone have a PS2->USB converter?


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