Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Glimpse Into McCain Foreign Policy

posted by John Blanco @ 1:01 PM


We don't need more cowboy diplomacy, look at what it's got us already. Now McCain gives a glimpse of what the Bush Third Term would look like:

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Likely Republican presidential nominee John McCain says he doesn't look for any major political reforms in Cuba until after Fidel Castro dies, adding he hopes that's not far off.

As McCain put it during a campaign stop in Indiana Friday, "I hope he has the opportunity to meet Karl Marx very soon."

I love how religion enters into our debates, and every Republican gets a free pass -- somehow, wishing for someone's death is exactly what Jesus Would Do.

Believe what you want about communism as an economic system, but don't go putting Fidel Castro in some category of tyrannical dictator with death camps. Jesus. You wonder why America's image to the rest of the world is in the tank.

If there's a heaven and a hell, McCain took one step down with that comment -- that, I know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have censored the truth in the spirit of your beloved Fidel.
Your lies will not cover the guilt of the communists you so admire.

9:09 AM  
Blogger John Blanco said...

Oh, shush. I deleted your comment not because of your Cuban statement, which you are free to make, but because of the nastiness of how you said it.

People like you annoy me. You say that I admire Fidel? I did not say that.

Secondly, sending me photos from the 1950's during the CUBAN REVOLUTION is not evidence enough to me. Keep trying. I can show you pictures of American imperialism in Iraq -- would you then compare Bush to Castro?

No, because Bush wouldn't be IN the photos. The only difference between today and the past is the "impersonality" of the transgressions. Just as the only difference between terrorists and modern military is that people are more comfortable associating the word military with "reasonable death."

As for Communism, I have three jobs and am proud of what I do, so shut your damn mouth and don't talk to me about shit you don't know about.

And, anyway, yer missing the point of the blog post which is that the candidate "leader of the free world" should not be wishing death upon people. Luckily for us, McCain has no shot in hell of winning.

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no statute of limitations for murder.

Your not wanting to put Fidel in the category of Tyrant shows that you know nothing of the oppression of the Cuban people.
49 years without a free election in Cuba, what else would you call him?

11:20 AM  
Blogger John Blanco said...

Dude, there are PLENTY of countries that killed people in the name of Revolution. Let's see, the beheadings of the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, how about the American Revolution??

OK, there are no free elections. What do you want me to do about that? Will you fight against the corporate influence which has hijacked AMERICAN ELECTIONS??

I care about America and it's leaders who call for others' death. Pat Robertson, a self-proclaimed Christian, want Hugo Chavez dead. McCain wants Fidel dead.

What is said in MY NAME is what I care about here. Go do your own Cuban Revolution to get rid of Fidel's brother.

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" don't go putting Fidel Castro in some category of tyrannical dictator with death camps."

"Will you fight against the corporate influence which has hijacked AMERICAN ELECTIONS??"

At least in America there are elections.

You really don't know what you are talking about do you?
Whose political party has "super delegates" who do not have to vote for the candidates designated by the will of the people in their state?
Your Democrat party will subvert and ignore the vote of the citizens in order to nominate senator Clinton.

"And, anyway, yer missing the point of the blog post which is that the candidate "leader of the free world" should not be wishing death upon people."

I don't think that publically stating a desire to see the end of a murderous tyrant is the same as actually killing people,but you, you give a pass to Fidel because his murders and killings were in the name of "revolution" fifty years ago.
Wake up.
His crimes continue to this very day.
Why would his people take to the open water on tire innertubes to cross 90 miles of ocean to escape him?
You should quit one of your three jobs and take the time to read a book about history, because you obviously do not know anything about it.
"so shut your damn mouth and don't talk to me about shit you don't know about."
good advice, perhaps you should.

1:27 AM  
Blogger John Blanco said...

Yeah, Saudi Arabia has elections, too.

And thanks for the "Your Democrat Party" line. That narrows you down to either Sean Hannity or Kang from the Simpsons.

Why do people flee Cuba? Well, I know many are fleeing due to economic conditons. Others are trying for a spot on the NY Yankees opening day pitching roster. Let's hear your reasons.

So, Mr. Cuba, what do you propose we do? Is Cuba worse off that, U don't know, these countries:

* Liberia
* Kenya
* Russia
* FRANCE??? (How Sean Hannity are you?)
* Venezuela? (Are you an oil man?)
* Ethiopia?

So what are *you* doing about Cuba besides pointing people to pictures of corrupt, dead politicians?

5:21 AM  
Blogger Linnea said...

Geez, you try to make a simple point and suddenly you're personally responsible for communism and everything Castro's ever done? OH, and super delegates.

4:14 PM  

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