Sunday, July 31, 2005

One of the "Denver Three"

posted by John Blanco @ 7:10 AM


Ed had Leslie Weise on the show on Friday as well. Leslie is one of the now-well-known "Denver Three". These are the three citizen who were thrown out of a Bush Social Security event because surveillance showed that they had a bumper sticker on their car that said "No Blood for Oil".

Think about this. Bush held this event with taxpayer dollars...yes, MY money was being used for this event...and THEIRS! And they were not allowed in!! They had tickets. They did nothing wrong. And in fact, they were not going to protest or anything -- they held no signs, they had normal T-shirts...


This is exactly what's wrong with this country. The only people allowed to attend these events were those specially given tickets by their Republican representatives. These three actually got their tickets that way! So, when a Neo-Con says "accept your President," I say back, "Why should I? He's not accepting me!!"

If you can't compare these actions to how hard Hitler held his country -- you're with me or against me -- then you need to re-read your history books. It's Nazi Germany without the concentration camps, people.


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